we realized that it was time and that U.O.P. offered a great opportunity for Thomas to accomplish a personal goal. Our family has become so close and strong through all of the years of sacrifice. We are so grateful for the support we have received from our families and the Lord's guidance as we strive to live to our families potential.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
we realized that it was time and that U.O.P. offered a great opportunity for Thomas to accomplish a personal goal. Our family has become so close and strong through all of the years of sacrifice. We are so grateful for the support we have received from our families and the Lord's guidance as we strive to live to our families potential.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Memorial Day
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Current Events
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Shoot for got to post this a couple weeks ago!
BYU LOSES TO UTAH!!! HE HE They went down in a flying ball of flames!
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Broncos defeat the Oregon and take the spotlight again!
He said they wouldn't do it and that BSU would have three losses by the time they hit WAC play! guess you where wrong again Uncle willie!!
To you and all the rest that doubted BSU this year all I have to say is stick it in your ear!!
EUGENE, Ore. -- If Boise State wanted to be mentioned in the same
breath as the program-defining 2006 team, the Broncos took steps in
that direction with Saturday's 37-32 win over No. 17 Oregon.

AP Photo/Greg Wahl-Stephens
Boise State is thinking about 2006 after beating Oregon on the road Saturday.
It was the Broncos' first win over a BCS opponent in a true road
game and the biggest win for the program since capping that 2006 season
with an overtime win over Oklahoma in the Fiesta Bowl. It's the biggest
regular-season win since the Broncos defeated a ranked and undefeated
Fresno State team in 2001, the first year the Broncos joined the WAC.
"This is big," Boise State coach Chris Petersen said. "I know
Oregon had some quarterback issues and stuff that helped us, but even
with that you can see how explosive they are. So it was great for our
guys to be able to hang on and get this done."
In 2006, Boise State went undefeated and had a dramatic
come-from-behind win against Oklahoma. It had some thinking that the
Broncos should have gotten a shot at the national championship.
Although the Broncos are a long way from the end of the season, they
are the only undefeated team remaining in the WAC and one of only six
undefeated teams remaining in the non-BCS.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Summer Time Adventures
Fourth of July this year was spent in Melba at the Ole' Time Fourth of July Celebration. Complete with Tractor pulling contest and a chicken round-up for the kids. Rosie participated and did in fact catch a chicken, which she got to keep(it now resides at Neil & Holly Hunters chicken coup). The fireworks were the best we have seen in very long time and overall we had a very fun and long day.
I few weeks later we set out on our next adventure to the Oregon coast. This was the Foster reunion which really desires a blog on its own so I will not indulge to much in this one. We as a family left a few days earlier and spent some time visiting water falls, picking fresh blueberries at a berry farm, and visiting the OMSI (Oregon Museum of Science and Industry) in Portland. We also spent time at the Portland Temple and read scriptures on the Temple grounds as a Family. Before leaving for the coast we also visited the Oregon Zoo and had a great time learning about all kinds of animals. The highlight was without a doubt the Polar Bear as we got to see two of them up close! THEY ARE HUGE!!!
Our next adventure was the Roundy Family reunion which was spent in town this year. Thomas a Melissa got tickets to see Katie Roundy (sister in law) star as Ado Annie in the musical play Oklahoma. She was definitley the star in that production. The kids spent the night with Grandma and Grandpa Roundy and had tons of fun playing games together with their cousins. The next day the whole family spent time playing games and visiting with each other.
The final trip this summer was to Bear Lake for the annual Hunter Reunion or rebellion as some like to call it. Grace is potty training (yes already and we are excited by her progress!) so it took us for ever to get there but we had fun none the less. The Labor day weekend was filled with swimming, playing games, and various other activities. We had tons of fun despite the rainy Sunday evening and wet beds. More in this whole trip in an other blog as well.
So that in a nut shell was our summer adventures aside from a few fishing trips which I am sure Thomas will be posting soon since he and his little man always have fun adventures. We will try to keep up with this more often now since it seems there is more interest from family to know our goings on.